Click here to show the script description. Click here to hide the script description. Scripting Component Pop-up This pop-up menu shows the component being used by the script in this window. To use a different component for this window, choose it from the list. Record Button This button is disabled because the scripting component of this script does not support recording. Check Syntax Button This button is disabled because no changes have been made to the script text since it was created or last compiled. Check Syntax Button To check the syntax of the script text and see any errors, press this button. Run Button This button is lit because the script is running. To stop it, press the Stop button. Run Button To run the script, press this button. (To see the result value, choose the “Show Result” command from the Controls menu.) Stop Button This button turns off script recording or playback. Stop Button To stop recording or playback, press this button. Record Button This button is lit because user actions are being recorded into the script. To turn off recording, press the Stop button. Record Button To begin recording, press this button: actions you perform in any recordable application will be appended as commands into this script. This is the text of the script itself. This is the description of this script and what it does. This description shows up in the startup screen when the script is run as an application.